General Basaj
It is a pleasure to present to you the book General Basaj, the first Slovenian general.
The book is based on my academic and research work.
The research was carried out in the Austrian Haus Hof and State Archive as well as in the Slovenian archives.
To date, little was known about General Basaj. The research itself was therefore complex and laborious.
Summary of the book:
General Basaj was born in Vopovlje, Upper Carniola in 1719, today Slovenia.
After high school, he pursued a military career in the Austrian Army.
Basaj was an officer at various Austrian border garrisons in the Military Frontier, today Croatia.
Basaj showed courage in the Austro-Prussian War in 1758. He captured two cannons.
For his services Basaj was promoted to general of the Austrian armed forces.
Basaj was raised by the emperor to the nobility and he became a baron.
Dr. Lampreht found from Basaj the noble coat of arms.
The book consists of several parts and chapters.
The first part was written by the writer Ivan Sivec as a historical novel.
In the second part, DR. Lampreht follows with the scientific contribution.
In the third part, DR. Šimac follows with the scientific contribution.
Reproduced documents and sources follow in the fourth part.
The book consists of 304 pages.
The book is available by publisher ICO.
The book was described as a sensation. It covers a part of Austrian, Slovenian and Croatian history that has been forgotten from the History.
Continue reading Peter Pavel Glavar

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