About me

I am an experienced researcher with academic title, Doctor of History.

As a student, I became interested in genealogy and family research. I was studying in this direction and gain my knowledge also by learning by doing. University professors appreciate my accuracy and excellent knowledge of the archival documentsBecause of that I got a number of recommendations.

My record was making a family tree of a noble family, dating back to the 981st.

In 2010 I became co-worker of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

My reference dont end here  I am highly qualified and the right addresswhen you want high-quality research.

My service are using:

  • Familys and individual persons that whish to have a Family Tree or they whish it to give to somebody as a special gift,
  • Individual persons or lawyer offices for law process,
  • Companys, organizations, societys… to represent development and history of company

Article about me in the Austrian Newspaper Kleine Zeitung:

Read more about Why to make a Family tree… please folow me


dr. Rajmund Lampreht, s. p.,


+386 (0)40 376 271

Viber +386 40 376 271

+43 (0)664 4020 580

E-mail: rajmundl@gmail.com


Rajmund Lampreht, s. p.

Selniška cesta 27

2352 Selnica ob Dravi

VAT Nr: 95021205



IBAN SI56 6100 0000 3429 491

Swift/bic: hdelsi22



Company is registered in Slovenia (EU).